Jun 4Liked by Erika Tovi

Ok, I am definitely going to add this to the list of things I do at a thrift store! This is a great way to start up my collection again!! Thank you for these tips and for sharing these ADORABLE books! The art is just so yummy!!!!

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Yay! That makes me happy to hear, Mika! Also I love learning (from your note) that you refer to them as โ€œop shops.โ€ ๐Ÿคฉ Let me know what you find next time you go! Hereโ€™s to hoping a Japanese picture book shows up just for you. ๐Ÿ’•

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Jun 4Liked by Erika Tovi

Fingers crossed! Iโ€™m looking forward to the hunt!

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Jun 5Liked by Erika Tovi

What a great peek into your collection! I adore "Listen! Listen!"

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Aw, thank you, Taylor! Have you read any other books by the Rands? I want to check out "I know a lot of things" by them. The title alone is precious!

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I'm a children's book author, so naturally I love children's books! Maybe half of my collection is thrifted. I love to buy new books when I can, but it's so fun to find a gem at a thrift store. My latest thrift store find is Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger: A Little Golden Book, published in 1973 that I got for 99 cents at Goodwill. I needed to glue the cover and end pages back down, but otherwise it's in great shape!

I enjoyed reading about your featured books. I'm going to see if I can find them in person.

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Hi Rebecca! It's so fun meeting you. I love that you're a children's book author... that's one of my dreams! My mom is an illustrator, so the hope is to collaborate together one day. ๐Ÿคฉ

Oh, and a 1973 Winnie-the-Pooh book sounds delectable. ๐Ÿฏ

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Oh I hope you do collaborate with your mom. I have collaborated with my daughters before on โ€œsmallโ€ projects, and hope to do bigger ones in the future.

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I love this -- I don't know any of these! And thrifting books is 100% better than buying them used... you can't put a price on the delight of the hunt.

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Thanks for reading, Sarah! Absolutely... or even better, the delight of finding them for FREE at Little Free Libraries! โค๏ธ

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Totally. I often put new, really great titles into Little Free Libraries and I think it's karmic, because I have found some amazing gems that way.

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I love especially vintage children's picture books. Probably because I'm a vintage child. ๐Ÿ˜‚ The dragon one almost looks familiar, but I haven't seen the other two before.

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I hope you find some lovely new-to-you titles soon! ๐Ÿ˜

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Thank you! Happily, I have many titles still from my own childhood. There are a few others, though, the titles of which I can't recall, but if I found them I would jump!

Actually, I mentioned one (the title of which I do remember) in a sermon a couple of weeks ago, and a distance listener (also a friend and participant at the-pilgrimage.org) sent me her childhood copy. ๐Ÿฅฐ It was *I See 4!* about the fiery furnace.

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What a thoughtful listener! This makes me want to send people books in the mail just because. Who doesnโ€™t love surprise snail mail? ๐Ÿฅณ ๐Ÿ“ฌ

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She is SO VERY THOUGHTFUL. And yes, Iโ€™d like to โ€œtake a page out of her bookโ€ as it were, too.

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LOVE thrifting (and online browsing secondhand platforms here) and these three you've featured look really lovely - have added them to my list! Thanks

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Ohhh, what an excellent idea! I didnโ€™t even think about shopping secondhand online for books. Which sites do you suggest?? ๐Ÿ‘€

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Vinted is brilliant here in Europe but not sure it's so good in the States. When I find a title or author I've been looking for I like to check the other books the seller has and often buy a bundle, super cheap, pre-loved and usually great books. In France Momox is great for second hand books too, in the UK Music Magpie is similar. Hope you can find a good alternative where you are.

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Thank you so much for the well wishes and the inspiration! Have you had any luck finding Japanese picture books this way?!

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Yes, there are lots of Japanese books, especially on Vinted, some are Japanese versions of popular American or British books, others are Japanese originals. Super cheap (โ‚ฌ1-โ‚ฌ2 per book). I have a few favourite books with notifications set! Good luck in your searching.

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I love Paul Rand! What a brilliant post! Loved it.

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Thanks so much, Charlotte! Appreciate you taking the time to read. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ Have you read any of Paul Rand's non-children's books? I really wanted to read some of them, but they must be out of print now so they are VERY expensive!

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I havenโ€™t ever seen any. Will have to look out for them. Iโ€™ve got the Paul Rand: A Designerโ€™s Art book about his career which is brilliant.

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Marvelous! I found a secondhand copy of that online. Thanks for the rec!

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Oh, such gorgeous books, Erika - I'm so glad you've shared them with us! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Oh, this is such a beautiful collection! I recently thrifted a book called, The Tree in Me, for $2.50 and itโ€™s such a gem. Iโ€™m excited to add more to my collection. โ˜บ๏ธ

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