You asked what's making me smile, and it's these limericks and the accompanying art. Thanks, Erika.

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I’m so happy to hear this! Glad it could bring a little dose of sunshine to your day. 🥰

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AWESOME limericks - and art - Erika! Loved 'Mealworm' in particular! 🤣

I love that you're using whatever you've got to hand for your notes. I topped up our printer tray with the last of our pack of paper this afternoon - and when I was then looking for a large sheet of paper to plan my next post on I had just the thing! That paper wrapping - salvaged from the recycling bin - was huuuuuuuuge when I opened it up! 😊

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Glad you enjoyed the limericks! 🍝 I love that you plot out your posts on paper. Wrapping paper seems fitting since your words are such a gift to us!!

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These limericks made my day🤣

Love them!

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Yay! Let me know if you have any topics you want me to explore for upcoming limericks. 😉

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These brought me such delight this morning!! Thank you for sharing a slice of sunshine on this rainy day here in Virginia.

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Of course! 🤩

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I enjoy the integration of your art and words! These are fun. :-)

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Aw, thanks a bunch, Tara! 🎉

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